2022 Spring Show
The Opening Reception of the ALC Spring Show will be held Sunday, March 20, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Chatham Township Municipal Building, 58 Meyersville Road, Chatham Township.
The show will feature “SALLY ABBOTT: COVID SERIES,” a solo exhibit of acrylic paintings on canvas, in the Lundt-Glover Gallery and an exhibit of artwork by the ALC general membership in the strolling galleries.

The Opening Reception for the solo show in the Lundt-Glover Gallery will feature Matt Zabiegala, a popular musician and professional tenor, who will play the keyboard and sing, masked and following Covid protocols.

The show is free, open to the public, and handicapped accessible. All reception attendees aged 5 and older must be vaccinated against Covid-19. Everyone must wear masks inside the building.
Artwork in both shows will remain on view at the municipal building, Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., until summer.