Liberated Strings: The Guitar in Art
The Woodbridge Township Cultural Arts Commission, the Barron Arts Center, and the Middlesex County Cultural & Heritage Commission announce a juried exhibition utilizing the guitar as its central theme. Please plan to visit and see our own Monique Hendricks’ piece “Unstrung”. Where: The Baron Art’s Center When: July 22 – August 21, 2016 Reception: July 22, 2016 7:30-9:30 p.m.
June Picnic 2016
Thank you Celeste for hosting this year’s June picnic! Lovely setting and fun people!
Art Salon: Strong-Cuevas at the Grounds for Sculpture
Some of our members are planning to take part in the Ground for Sculpture Art Salon with Elizabeth Strong-Cuevas. Are you interested? Read more about it here: A relaxed and stimulating opportunity to share ideas and fine food at Rat’s Restaurant with Grounds For Sculpture artists. Born in France, Elizabeth Strong-Cuevas began at the Art Students’ League in 1963 working in sculpture with renowned teacher John Hovannes. As her themes took shape, she modeled in wax and in plaster for large pieces, which allowed for greater freedom of form. She grew up knowing Salvador Dali, a friend of her parents. In New York, she rubbed elbows with luminaries like Andy…
June 14: Summer Group Show Receiving
ALC Members, please bring up to 4 art pieces to display at the Summer Group Show to the Chatham Municipal Building on Tue. June 14 from 1-2:30 PM. This is also the time that you can pick up your artwork from the Spring Group Show. However, you may leave your Spring Show artwork for the duration of the summer, if you wish. All the details are in the prospectus emailed by Rosemary Howlett and you should contact her if you need more information.
French Impressionism – Public Talk
The Library of the Chathams is hosting an art talk series focussed on French Impressionism. Michael Norris, Ph.D., has been an art educator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art for over 20 years. He will present a four part series on French Impressionism on Tuesdays, May 10, 17, 24, and 31 from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm. A $40 tuition fee is required by May 6 (please make checks payable to Friends of the Library of The Chathams). Please, anyone interested, contact the Library to see whether you can still join and whether you can get prorated tuition.
Flowers in Art – Talk at the Denville Library
The Newark Museum Speakers Bureau will present the program Flowers in Art at the Denville Public Library this Saturday, May 21, at 2:30pm. Using examples of art from the Museum’s collection, the museum curators will show how artists have used their visual language to capture the essence of flowers. Painting, sculpture, folk art, decorative arts, furniture and jewelry highlight the work of many artists from the ancient world through today, including Henry Inman, Martin Johnson Heade, Louis Comfort Tiffany’s Workshops, Florine Stettheimer, Max Weber, Marsden Hartley, Georgia O’Keefe, Jacob Lawrence and Robert Rauschenburg. Sounds like a fascinating talk! RSVP if you wish. Here are some of our members’ take on flowers:
Plein Air hosted by ArtSee
Bernardsville art group ArtSee organized event.
Group Spring Show at the Frelinghuysen Arboretum
David Gray Portrait Demo
David Gray portrait demonstration organized by Philla Barkhorn.
Art & Craft Festival, Chatham
The Art League was present at the 2015 Art and Craft Festival in Chatham, NJ.