Artist Biography: Edward Schuh

Edward Schuh held a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing and Advertising from Seton Hall University and was a graduate of the Newark School of Fine and Industrial Art. A lifelong resident of New Jersey, Ed applied his commercial art skills for more than forty years at various positions and companies including Art Director of Edwards and Kelcey, V.P. & Director of Marketing, Advertising & Public Relations for Western Union International, Inc., Manager, Drafting & Graphics for ITT Communications Systems, Inc., and Art Director, Board Artist & Account Executive for John Phillips Advertising Company. He produced work, also, for the U.S. Air Force, Xerox, AT&T, Computer Science Corp., MCI, and for the Governments of Switzerland and Panama. Ed served as a tank commander and an artist illustrator for the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict. His commercial designs have garnered many awards including five first-place ribbons presented by the NJ Council of Consulting Civil Engineers for works produced for NJ Transit, Metro North, Lucent, the Minnesota Dept. of Highways, and the NJ Garden State Parkway.

Whenever time permitted, Ed supplemented his formal education with painting lessons under the tutelage of Gladys Russell, William Senior, Ron Lent, Mark DeMos, and James Carlin. He taught evening classes at the Newark School of Fine and Industrial Art and taught at the Senior Centers in Chatham and Madison, and the Morris County Art Association.

His paintings—oils, watercolors, and mixed media—are traditional, realistic renderings of calming, sometimes nostalgic, subject matter. His love of nature and desire to soothe rather than bedazzle are evident in every painting. He has exhibited at local shows sponsored by the West Essex Art Association, the Madison Outdoor Show, the Chatham Women’s Club, and the Art League of the Chathams. The West Essex Art Association and the Madison Outdoor Show have awarded him prizes.

Ed is a past President of the Art League of the Chathams and was a former member of the Drew Art Association, the Morris County Art Association, and the Essex Watercolor Club. Ed was an original founding member of the Art League of the Chathams.