2022-2023 Winter Group Show
The opening reception of the ALC Winter Friends & Family Show was held Dec. 11 at the Chatham Township Municipal Building, 58 Meyersville Road, Chatham Township.
In addition to an exhibition of artwork by the general membership, the reception included a solo show featuring watercolors by Deborah Fennelly in the Lundt-Glover Gallery and a holiday boutique.
The artwork in the solo show, “Seascapes, Landscapes and More,” and the general membership show will remain on display at the municipal building during regular business hours through mid-March.
Below are photos from the opening reception.
Chatham Township Committeewomen Stacey Ewald, left, and Celeste Fondaco in front of Celeste’s painting.
Deborah Fennelly, right, and her mother, Lucille, at Deborah’s solo show in the Lundt-Glover Gallery.
Khaya Peluso, ALC’s new membership chair, at a table at the holiday boutique.
Craig and Ellie Culver at the opening reception.
(Photos by Larry Kerner)