
  • Noreen Brunini

    Noreen Brunini’s medium is watercolor; her works have won Awards of Excellence with the NJ Watercolor Society (Associate Level), MSHAC and the Livingston Arts Association. She is also an Exhibiting member of the Essex Watercolor Club.

  • Suzanne Casterlin

    Suzanne has been interested in art and painting since a child. Her approach to painting is impressionistic in quality, favors neutrals and half tones in all their infinite variety worked against pale colors. Suzanne’s art reflects a lifelong fascination with nature, animals and the Victorian Period.

  • Celeste Fondaco

    Celeste has been drawing since she was old enough to hold a pencil and has painted as a hobby for most of her adult life. It is only in the last 15 years that she has become more involved in the art community and actively shows her work. Oil or acrylic is her medium of choice for her large scale floral paintings. She also enjoys working in pastels, watercolor and  clay on occasion.  

  • Magdalena Urbankova

    Magdalena Urbankova was born in Prague, in already non-existent country of Czechoslovakia, now Czech Republic. She spent last 20 years in lovely Garden State of NJ. Magdalena is fascinated by the spaces people create as they interact with one another, and enjoys exploring these on the canvas. She also enjoys portraying the beauty of nature.