Watercolor Show in Chatham
The Essex Water Color Club will hold its annual show at the Library of the Chathams during the month of February. The opening reception is Sunday, Feb. 3, from 2:20 to 4:30 p.m. The show will include a watercolor on Yupo painting, titled “Hidden,” by June Fisher-Markowitz, ALC secretary. The exhibit will run until Feb. 27.
Winter 2019 Party
Winter Show Reception
The opening reception of ALC’s Winter Friends and Family Show Dec. 9 featured a holiday boutique, a show and sale of 6×6-in. artworks, and a celebration of the league’s 30th anniversary, as well as a solo show of watercolors by Betsy Mirabelli and a group show by members and guest exhibitors. The solo show in the Lundt-Glover Gallery, and the group and mini shows in the strolling gallery, will remain on display in the Chatham Township Municipal Building through March 11.
The Mini Show Is On
As part of the art league’s Winter Friends & Family Show, 31 6×6-in. artworks by league members are on display. See a sampling of some of the works above. During the opening reception Sunday, Dec. 9, visitors may take their purchases of mini artworks home with them. The mini show will remain on view, along with the general membership and solo shows, through mid March.
Talk on Women in Art & Women Artists
A lecture on “Women in Art & Women Artists” will be presented by the Speakers Bureau of the Newark Museum at the Summit Library on May 18 at 7:30 p.m. This slide presentation looks at the way women were portrayed in art from Egyptian times up until the Gilded Age, when art was mostly created by men. It then follows the rise of women artists, using examples of their work from the museum’s collections. This program is free and open to the public. The library is located at 75 Maple Street in Summit.
Lecture on Flowers in Art
An illustrated lecture, “Flowers in Art,” will be presented by the Speakers Bureau of the Newark Museum at the Reeves-Reed Arboretum in Summit on May 4 at 7 p.m. A small reception will follow the presentation. Flowers have bloomed in art from ancient Egypt to the modern day. Come and see examples in painting, sculpture, folk art, decorative arts, furniture, and jewelry—all from the museum’s collections. Learn how the artists Henry Inman, Martin Johnson Heade, Louis Comfort Tiffany’s Workshops, Florine Stettheimer, Max Weber, Marsden Hartley, Georgia O’Keeffe, Jacob Lawrence, and Robert Rauschenberg rendered flowers in their unique and magnificent ways. The program is free for members of the arboretum and…
Call for Artists
The Somerville Library has several walls they like to fill with artists’ works. They display the works of one artist at a time for a minimum of one month. Works need to be ready to hang from the library’s suspended hooks. If you are looking for display space or know someone who is, please contact Mona-Paulina Mahaga-Ajala, program coordinator of adult services of the Somerset County Library System of New Jersey, Somerville Library branch, 35 West End Avenue, Somerville, NJ. Email her at mpmahaga@sclibnj.org or call 908-725-1336, ext. 16.
Paint & Sip at the Newark Museum
The Newark Museum will host a paint-and-sip event with a Harlem Renaissance theme on Friday, Feb. 24, from 6 to 9 p.m. The art studio painting session will be paired with a private tour of the Harlem Renaissance exhibit now on view. For more information and tickets, go to http://www.newarkmuseum.org/paint-and-sip.
Talk on ‘Impressionism and America’
Michael Norris, Ph.D., a former museum educator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, will give an illustrated talk, “Impressionism and America,” at the Bernards Township Library, 32 So. Maple Avenue, Basking Ridge, on Thursday, Feb. 16, at 7 p.m. To register for the free lecture, go to the library’s website at: www.bernardslibrary.org. Dr. Norris, who has a doctorate in art history from the University of California at Santa Barbara, has given art lectures for more than 20 years.